to keep all bands, sports teams and all extra-curricular activities funded year in and year out

There is NO COST . . . and it is FREE to participate . . . so there is literally ZERO RISK

LIFE CHANGES TODAY, LLC (an IBO of TLC) was created to SOLVE the EPIDEMIC PROBLEM that has spanned over the past 40-plus years to address the ongoing “BUDGET CUTS” in School Districts across the United States and the devastating impact of those “budget cuts” on all sports teams and all extra-curricular activities.
For DECADES and DECADES - nearly every sport or extra-curricular activity at every school is faced with having to raise tens of thousands of dollars due to the limited funding coming from their school district’s budget. Fundraising has become “necessary” for nearly all Booster Clubs . . . and . . . is often the ONLY means to ensuring the continuation of the activities for which they support. Fundraising Organizations all over the country work tirelessly conducting a variety of fundraising events where a small percentage of the members normally do the majority of the work where most events raise relatively small amounts of money. Seldom does the donors/customers receive VALUE resulting from the variety of fundraisers from which Fundraising Organizations traditionally participate.
Life Changes Today, LLC set out to create "THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION" with an innovative, unique value proposition that far surpasses all existing Fundraisers which will REVOLUTIONIZE FUNDRAISING for any Organization or Team that is dependent upon fundraising!
Life Changes Today, LLC interviewed booster officers, coaches, band directors and parents and/or guardians of students that have had to raise funds for decades. The purpose was to have them identify what set of criteria would make for the "PERFECT FUNDRAISER" in what they would consider to be a "perfect" fundraising world? The feedback from all interviewed resulted in the summarized list of "required" and what might be considered a wish-list or "requested" criteria, which would accomplish the following fundraising goals:

It must MINIMIZE the amount of work and effort
It must SAVE TIME for its Members (Parents) as compared to most every other time-consuming fundraiser
It must be so EFFICIENT and CONVENIENT such that it increases Member (Parent) Participation
It must provide Donors "VALUE" in exchange for their contributions, as so many fundraisers DO NOT
It must NOT MARK UP Pricing as Donors are tired of getting ripped off with over priced products of little value
Could it increase the amount of MONEY RAISED per Donor in order to elevate overall fundraising levels
Could it utilize technology to expand the fundraising efforts beyond our local, school-community
Could it promote products that nearly "everyone" uses which would increase Donor participation
Could it improve donor relations, for example, by using technology to better engage and communicate with donors to:
define specifically what the funds raised are going to be used for
clearly state the fundraising goals
extend a "Thank You" for their supporting contributions
follow up with the results of the fundraising efforts
follow up with accomplishments of the Organization/Team while again, expressing appreciation for their support
If the products provide "VALUE" for Donors and the products are used by nearly "everyone", could it use technology to create an "ongoing" fundraiser by retaining Donors over longer periods of time instead of the normal "one-and-done" fundraisers of today
Could it provide "INCENTIVES" for the individual participating members to both motivate and energize the fundraiser

Life Changes Today, LLC committed to taking the input from the Subject Matter Experts with the mission of creating a NEW, INNOVATIVE FUNDRAISER that would meet not only all of the "REQUIRED", but all of the "REQUESTED" criteria as well (see above) to make for what would be considered a nearly "Perfect" Fundraiser. And with a background consisting of decades of applying new technologies to business solutions in Corporate America, as well as a background with entrepreneurial start-up companies - Life Changes Today, LLC set out to REVOLUTIONIZE FUNDRAISING!
Life Changes Today, LLC spent over two years of Research & Development . . .
studying the business models of existing fundraisers
analyzing company profiles, economic stability and the utilization of technology of the most successful fundraising companies
identifying and researching top-selling products OUTSIDE of EXISTING FUNDRAISING MODELS which both provide tremendous value to their customers while appealing to the masses . . . with the purpose of attracting more Donors
identifying and researching top-selling products OUTSIDE of EXISTING FUNDRAISING MODELS that would increase and elevate the amount of funds raised per each Donor . . . in order to maximize the amount of money raised for your Organization
researching the utilization of several technologies with the purpose of expanding fundraising efforts beyond the local community of your Organization which would easily increase and elevate the TOTAL fundraising levels
designing, configuring and implementing integrated technologies to ELIMINATE AS MUCH OF THE WORK for your Organization AS POSSIBLE to make the LCT FUNDRAISER the most convenient, most efficient, most time-saving Fundraiser available
designing, configuring and implementing integrated technologies to create a Fundraiser that breaks down all geographic barriers (which most Fundraisers are constrained to their local school-community) that enables your members to easily attract Donors from anywhere across the United States of America

Choosing the "right" Fundraising Products that are in high demand which provide Donors both quality and value at market pricing without any mark-ups, which is critical in creating the foundation for a successful and profitable Fundraiser!
The fact that COFFEE and TEA are the 2nd and 3rd most consumed beverages in the United States behind water, the incredible fundraising potential is based on raising over $10.00 per item . . . that’s right . . . $11.00 PER ITEM . . . combined with the easy-to-use streamlined business processes developed.

Life Changes Today, LLC has found the #1 selling, all-natural, organic herbal, gentle cleansing Tea in the world and one of the healthiest all-natural gourmet coffees, promoting wellness and a sustained quality of life while providing many documented health benefits.

After identifying the highest quality products, products in demand by nearly EVERYONE, products that could generate $10.00 per item in fundraising dollars - Life Changes Today, LLC designed the most efficient automated system which drives the new, innovative, technology-driven LCT FUNDRAISER that performs nearly ALL of the work for your members in order to enable record-level "fundraising" for your Organization.

Your Organization can get started by simply REGISTERING with Life Changes Today, LLC for the
to elevate your fundraising as part of an upcoming

Upon registering, an "Instructional Email" is automatically sent to ALL the parents/guardians of your Members, as identified with your roster of members, that clearly defines the few simple steps in order to EXECUTE the LCT FUNDRAISER. The Email defines the START DATE and END DATE for the Initial Fundraising Drive along with the Fundraiser Identification Number assigned to your Organization as well as the Member Number of their child which is necessary to DOWNLOAD the LCT app on behalf of their child.
After only a minute to DOWNLOAD the LCT app from either the App Store or Google Play . . . and by entering in the Fundraiser Identification Number of your Organization and . . . the Member No. of your child . . . AND upon CONFIRMING . . . the LCT app is now set up for your child on your smart phone. Then by simply entering the email address of potential Donors into the LCT app, a customized EMAIL explaining the LCT FUNDRAISER is automatically sent from the LCT app in support of your child and your Organization.
Both parents, your child and even other relatives can download the LCT app to help support your child in reaching their fundraising goals . . . simply input into the LCT app . . . the Email Addresses of family, relatives, neighbors, work colleagues and friends from anywhere across the USA.

In just a few minutes of brainstorming with your family around the table . . . you can send LCT FUNDRAISER emails automatically to 20, 25 or even more potential Donors through your smart phone via the LCT app from anywhere . . . at any time. A quick follow up text or phone call to have them on the lookout for the LCT Fundraiser Email while asking them for their support . . . and your WORK IS DONE!


Potential Donors from anywhere across the United States receive a customized email from your Members and your Organization . . . sent directly from the LCT app, which clearly identifies the EMAIL is from each Member, while asking for their participation in your Initial LCT Fundraiser Drive. The Email reveals specifically how the MONEY RAISED will be utilized by your Organization - while describing how THEY CAN HELP in your fundraising efforts by simply trying a HEALTHIER TEA for FIVE (5) WEEKS -or- a HEALTHIER COFFEE for ONE (1) MONTH, to replace what they are drinking today, for which they will receive many well-documented, real-life health benefits. And with their purchase, $10.00 will go toward helping your Organization. And there is NO RISK for the Donors as the IASO Tea and the IASO DELGADA Slimming Coffee come with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee! Click here to learn more about the TLC 30-Day Refund Policy.
And simply by clicking on the “PURCHASE NOW” button . . . the Donor will be directed to the ON-LINE STORE for Life Changes Today, LLC as identified on the bottom right of the landing page.
By clicking on “SHOP” / “HEALTH and WELLNESS” and scrolling down to the #1 Selling IASO TEA -OR- the IASO DELGADA COFFEE to add the item to their shopping cart and then . . . simply check out . . . by creating an account just like any other on-line shopping experience.
And after selecting a payment method . . . their transaction is DONE!
The Donor will go back to the LCT FUNDRAISER Email and scroll down to "REGISTER" their purchase with the Member and your Organization by simply keying in the FUNDRAISER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER followed by entering in their name and information along with the TLC CUSTOMER NUMBER from the PURCHASE of the IASO TEA or the IASO DELGADA COFFEE just made. The Donor would then select the Member by using the search feature and keying in their name which will match up to the Member . . . and simply SUBMIT and they are DONE!

The Donor is then tied to that Member and your Organization for all future purchases resulting in additional fundraising throughout the year without any further effort required from your Members or your Organization.
The technology driven LCT FUNDRAISER makes it SIMPLE and CONVENIENT for both your Organization AND ALSO the Donors . . . as NEARLY ALL THE WORK IS DONE FOR YOU!

And both Summary and Detail Reports are furnished to your Organization identifying every purchase by every Donor sorted by every member of your Organization such that the accounting for the entire LCT Fundraiser is DONE FOR YOU!

In addition to providing your Organization a simple-to-execute, fully automated, online platform to take nearly all the work away from your Members, Life Changes Today, LLC has committed to providing your Organization an incredible way to MOTIVATE and INCENTIVIZE your Members by awarding the TOP PERFORMERS with lucrative Individual Incentive Awards. Your Organization will decide to reward your TOP (3) up to your TOP (6) Performers during the one-week Initial Fundraising Drive to earn their share of up to $1,000.00 in Online Gift Cards from DICK's SPORTING GOODS!
Learn all about the INDIVIDUAL INCENTIVE AWARDS here!
And Life Changes Today, LLC has created an "incredible" event that will motivate and incentivize your entire Organization to further elevate your fundraising dollars by participating in an LCT CHALLENGE by competing against other Organizations conducting their LCT FUNDRAISER in order to increase the standard 10% Matching Contribution furnished by Life Changes Today which could elevate the Matching Contribution up to as much as an unbelievable 55%!

Learn all about the LCT CHALLENGE here!
And then, the LCT FUNDRAISER does something for your Organization that NO OTHER FUNDRAISER does by executing Retention Strategies and Cross-Selling Strategies by utilizing scheduled and automated email campaigns to build relations with your Donors while working to retain your Donors for AN ENTIRE YEAR. The LCT FUNDRAISER sends automated email campaigns to existing Donors using predictive analytics . . . which results in sustained FUNDRAISING month after month on behalf of your Organization.

Donors will receive automated emails where they can choose to continue to benefit from the incredible value of the products purchased during the Initial Fundraising Drive from the LCT Fundraiser . . . or they can also choose other health & wellness products throughout the year for which your Organization will continue to raise funds year-round. Donors, of course, will always have the choice to OPT OUT of receiving periodic emails at any time throughout the year.
Learn all about the Retention & Cross-Selling Strategies here!
No other Fundraiser provides your Organization an opportunity to participate in a short, one-week Initial Fundraising Drive where you are elevating your fundraising dollars raised followed up with an automated process to work on your behalf to continue to raise funds for your Organization for an entire year!
At Life Changes Today . . . we are confident that the LCT FUNDRAISER will revolutionize your fundraising efforts while raising more funds than any other fundraiser . . . and at the same time . . . exponentially reducing the work, reducing the effort and reducing the priceless time require by the members of your Organization.
Again, there is NO COST . . . and it is FREE to participate . . . so there is literally ZERO RISK to embrace this INNOVATIVE